We are a Health Care company with passion

Passion to restore health, to be a voice for the voiceless, to improve our US health care system. Big ambitions, we know!

Our mission focuses high value, affordable, and accessible solutions for individuals, employers, governments, and associations.

It's really about people - you and us, we and them. We're all interested in physical, mental health, and vitality.


What we do

We bring incredibly high value products & services to our members (affectionately referred to as "our family") and we donate 100% of our profits to charity (health focused charities); this is not about profit, it's about restoring health in America.

Our solutions are either created by us or a collaboration with vetted partners with our common mission.

Our Process

We find gaps in the marketplace, either quality or price related, or both. We identify and vet partners, or we'll create a solution ourselves. We bring this to you at an affordable price. Period.

Think Costco for health care.

Our Promise

We'll only bring the highest quality, most affordable solutions to the table. We aren't profiteers, we're mission driven folks who aim to improve the health of all Americans.

It's that simple.

Betty Health is a virtual-first health platform that brings robust telehealth services, patient advocacy, discounted Rx/DME, and more to individuals, employers, associations, and more for an extremely affordable price. Love Betty Health! 

MarketNet is a national network of facility and providers built with direct contracts, partnering organizations with direct contracts, and multiple layers of high value regional and national networks. Replace your RBP or BUCAH PPO strategy with MarketNet and you'll see the difference. Love MarketNet!

Thrivia is a full scale diabetes program for T1D, T2D, and pre-diabetics. Our robust prevention, reversal, and maintenance programs are designed to meet people exactly where they are in their diabetic journey. We include behavioral health, health coaching, group dynamics, and a full tech platform. Love Thrivia!

We're working on more solutions as we type and always looking for great partners with the common mission! Contact us for more info.


Let's Connect

The possibilities are endless, let's improve health care together!

Direct Health Alliance 2019-2023 © Made with love